3 biskut Dec 7, 2008


Yes. It's a bliss to wake up one morning to listen to the bird's chirping their beautiful songs, to start your day by listening to your loved one's breathing silently by your ears, or even to wake up listening a newborn's cries. (Even if it came from the room next to mine.)

^Sleeping as a baby^

^With her Grandad's sister. Nenek Saudara ler...^

Qaseh Sofea will be spending her Hari Raya Aidiladha with us!

How our home has turned into a complete "chaos" when she arrived yesterday. Everyone wanted to touch her round cheeks, to listen to her gurgling sound or, just to sit down quietly around her, watching and wondering what kind of dream she's dreaming when she's asleeps.

Seriously! The little guest room was filled with her mom (my sister-in-law), my eldest brother, my ummi, my ayah, me, my sister (Fatin), my brother, my aunt, my uncle, and two of my cousins.

Thankfully, Qaseh's other grandma was outside with her husband (My sister in-law's parent) and their second grandchild, Zura. Or else. *Phew!*

Anyway, dear Sofea, welcome to the family!

Heaps of ♥,

Acik Ira.

3 Biskut

Tawel Sensei @ 12/8/08, 4:10 PM
Eh Ira, si Qaseh tu tidur sambil dia bernafas sebelah awak ke? Atau pun..ehem, ehem.. (ooo tak bagitau pun saya!)

Haha, apa pun Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha ditujukan kepada Sofea. Moga dia makin tidur seperti baby :P Dan semoga dia semakin rajin membuka matanya.

Nasihat kepada Sofea: Kalau adik selalu tutup mata, nanti bila dah besar, mata adik akan sepet macam mata si Acik Ira tu.

milk and cookies @ 12/8/08, 5:52 PM
Tawel Sensei:

Hehe. Dia tidur mestilah dia bernafas! Awak tidur tak bernafas ke? Fuyoh! :P
Ehem...? Ape ehem, ehem? Haha! Sibuk je dia ni...

Haih... Sofea je ke?
Dia dah rajin buka mata. Petang-petang. Main/membebel sorang-sorang.

Nasihat kepada Sofea tu kena tambah:
"Sepet macam Acik Ira takpe. Comel. Jangan sepet semulajadi macam Kecepen, sudah."


Syafiq Azuan @ 12/9/08, 6:03 PM
Haha. Nuryn tak sepet. Nuryn mata dia bulat. lepas tu dia suka main sembur-sembur. Haha. Qaseh? bila nak main masak-masak dengan nuryn ni? dia dah terer masak burger daging Mimi. Hehe.

Ada Biskut Tak?