A total sifu man!
Taught us on how to use the pop-up flash the right way so that there is no over-exposured pictures, how to control the shadows on your subject, how to use and create a reflector, how to bounce the flash using the "white plastic", etc..etc..
There's another thing! We have to make an introduction video about ourselves! OMG! Mine is sssooooooo geeky! Please dont laugh at it when it's uploaded in the internet later!
And not to forget there were a lot of lines like this:
"Ira, don't look at the board! Look into the camera!"
"Ira, the camera is on already maaaa..."
"Hiya! My name is Atiqah Syahira (for the _ times)...wait, I forgot my line. Hehe..sorry..."
"Urgh! That's terrible. Can we do it again?"
"Can we just do it from the middle? Im tired of repeating my name...*sigh*"
Then, what?
Oh yes...we were given a lecture from Choen Lee, a reknown renown creative (unrated sort) photographer.
I must say, his job is excellent!
We have to think out of the box or else, we'll hit the wall. Think of the absurd or the impossible.
He said. and I said, OK.
We are having an automotive photography. With another reknown renown photographer,Darren Chang.
And this is the babe for the day!
^Am working on it!^
^Using our A300. I was bored.^
I do not know much about cars so when it comes to the task to take the best picture, just one, I was damn stuck!
Everyone else seemed to know what they are doing and that effects me the most.
But as I have mentioned earlier to my friend, I was active the most when:
- When it was time for dinner
- When its time for some recess
- When the lens is focusing towards me. (Or maybe something behind me. I don't care!)
- When we were taking jumpilation shoot by Ari and Nick
- When we finally get to have pictures (of all of us!) with the Porche
- Its time to call it a day!
I have to admit I was quite passive today.
Thankfully I have really good friends to support me.
Terima kasih Bhaiya, his partner, Yin, My ex-partner, Chantelle, my lil sis, Ash, my partner Christ, and Melissa and bla3...
Ok..ok..so you see? All of them are really sweet.
So I just hate it when the producer wants us to go agressive and fight each other.
I dont think I will last long in this show. Huhu...
But I dont really mind
Its the lifelong knowledge and once in a life time experience im looking for!
Yeah. Thats all for the seminar updates.
We will have a couple weeks break before the contest start so I better start to get used to the a300!
See ya then!
p.s: Picture credit to Syafid!
5 Biskut
"Geekiness", as poetically described by the True Master of Geek who is living in a galaxy far far away, "is something relative". Haha!
Hmm, cun gak kereta tu. Tapi macam terseksa saja posisi masa ambil gambar kereta tu. Terima kasih kepada live view a300, sekurang-kurangnya seseorang tidak perlu menyepetkan mata ketika mahu mengambil gambar. Muahaha! :p
P.S. Did you mean renowned in "reknown photographer"?
ya.. it's a lifelong knowledge and once in a life time experience..
don't waste it.. not all people are so lucky like you.. grab the opportunity and use it wisely.. u have talent in that..
good luck in yours contest!
all the best!
go and beat `em all!
Oh..so then, my "geekiness" will always support the meaning as poetically described by True Master of Geek who is living in a galaxy far, far away as "something relative".
Oh..live view adalah sangat jarang digunakan melainkan nak ambil bird's eye view atau pun worm's eye view. Hehe..
Ingatkan nak ambil gambar "self potrait", tapi takdela mode tu dalam alpha..
Boleh poyo sikit...haha!
p.s: OH..no wonder I was feeling weird when i was typing the word.
I knew something was wrong somewhere..but forgot to check.
- renowned
- renowned
- renowned
So I stand corrected now, yes?
Thank you very much~
I will try my best!
aku pun tak tahu porsche hapakah itu....
Sila google di internet.
btw, tenaga pengajar hari tu..Darren Cheng.
Cool tak?
Bagus gila macdude...
Ajar kita from zero to hero!
Hontoni arigatou darren sensei!
a good start for u my dear...
but still a long way to go...
do ur best, like u always do
well, nape bent badan smpai camtu?
Darren ajar camtu eh?
well, all da best to u!
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