What am I suppose to say?
Where should I start?
What the...
Ok2..I'll try to keep it as simple as possible...
I managed to arrive on the dot at The Garden last Saturday. Phew~
Met the other contestants. Everyone was looking really...
Friendly+nervous(me)+relax(everybody else).
Gathered in a meeting room. Was given a brief explanation of what we are going to do..bla3...
Oh! And yesss..
Ok...ok..I'm kidding...
Then we were given 10 minutes to get to know each other.
It was hard! But a really nice experience. (No one will be offended if we failed to remember each others name. hehe...safe mode!)
Let me see...
Then we were given 10 minutes to get to know each other.
It was hard! But a really nice experience. (No one will be offended if we failed to remember each others name. hehe...safe mode!)
Let me see...
- Nicholas
- Jason
- T.C
- K.J
- Melissa
- Chantelle
- Chrisler (Sory dude. I don't know how to spell your name. Ishk.)
- Christ
- Debby
- Ash
- Ashraf
- Jannah
- Khalil
- Seth
- Hanafi
- Rahim
- Ari
- Izzie
- See Toh
- Tan
- Fransco (Same with you. Not quite sure if this is the right spelling. Sorry!)
- Kenneth
- Calvin
- Basri
- Shaz
- Brian
- Syafiq
- Eddy
- Yin
- ME! ME! ME!
Hopefully I will not rank in the 30th place or else I'll be kicked out from the show in the first episode!!
So...anything else?
Actually, there is a lot from me to tell, seriously! But I am too tired that I cant think straight (because it's went to the bed).
I'll try my best to share everything that happen during the show but, there will be no more photos included.
Strictly Sony Malaysia's right.
And no spoilers will be included!
See ya later!
4 Biskut
Takpe..tak perasan pun..
Saya sedar saya siapa..ishk2..
Camera ni best woo..
Ada Live View...
Jadi takdelah mata cepet bila tengok kat viewfinder macam...(insaf2...)
Hikhikhik...(gadis, control2..)
Ada Biskut Tak?